
Tuition payments are due upon the 1st class of each month, for 10 months from September through June. Payments may be placed in the tuition box located in the lobby, or mailed to the studio if more convenient. If you choose to make a payment in cash, please do not leave in the mailbox but hand directly to the office assistant or your child's teacher so that you may be given a receipt. Credit Card payments are also accepted. Please note: May & June tuition are due together on May 1st. We also offer automated monthly payments for credit and debit cards.
School breaks, holidays and one class cancellation have been calculated into the yearly fee. Tuition payment is the same each month regardless of the number of weeks per month. Payments received after the 15th of the month are late and must include the $15.00 late fee.
Kindly contact the studio for tuition rates for the current season. Thank you.